How to limit the access of the content based on user’s registration date
A friend of mine has a paid and subscription based site. He wanted the site to limit access to content based on a user’s registration date. For example, if a user registered in August, he didn’t want him to be able to see the content from July and past content. This is one way to […]
Adding code to allow an iframe in WordPress
I know there are security risks, a bad implementation, bad user experience, etc, but sometimes the client insists on it. Here is how allow iframes in posts and pages: add_filter( ‘wp_kses_allowed_html’, ‘ar_allowed_tags_filter’, 1, 1 ); function ar_allowed_tags_filter( $allowed_tags ) { if ( ! current_user_can( ‘publish_posts’ ) ) { return $allowedposttags; } $allowed_tags[‘iframe’] = array( ‘align’ […]
Quick and Dirty way to add code some Javascript to a footer
I every once and a while a client needs me to add some kind of Javascript code to the site. Most time it is a Google snippet or something for Facebook. It is always for tracking purposes. Just open functions.php and add this in the file. function ar_add_facebook_snippet() { ?>
How to get Apache to serve up .SVG and .SVGZ files
I ran into this today. This isn’t WP specific, but whatever. I’m sure I’ll have to do this again at some point. Basically, .SVG files are Scalable Vector Graphics. A .SVGZ is a compressed version of it. It is a really good type of file format on the web for things like logos and icons. […]