Page Builder by SiteOrigin Welcome to part two of my series on WordPress Page Builders. This one is focusing on Page Builder by SiteOrigin. I give this plugin an 8 of 10. The short of it is, if you need a cheap way to build columns, this gets the job done. It is the only page builder that […]
Business Panel Meetup

Mickey Mellen of Green Mellen Media asked me to be on a panel entitled “MEETUP BUSINESS PANEL: LEARNING FROM THOSE THAT DO IT WELL“. I take that as a major compliment from a pier, and a competitor. It was great to be on the panel. The others on the panel were Mickey, Jenny Munn (an […]
Web hosting downtime or high availability
Web hosting is a difficult business to be in. The competition is fierce. Who can compete with GoDaddy at $4 a month? What’s more is that people expect the world at that price. I’ve moved passed trying to compete at that market level. Sure, I could offer hosting for $4 a month, but it is […]
Page Builders Review: WP Bakery’s Visual Composer

This is part 1 of a Page Builder’s video series. Today I’ll be reviewing Visual Composer by WP Bakery. Overall, I give this a 7/10. It would have been a 9 except for the fact when a page is built using VC, it will always require to have that plugin installed and active for the page to […]