What does Apple’s App Store show about Microsoft and other tools

This is what I see when I view the “Top Free” apps in Apple’s App Store. I’m making a million and one assumptions, but there is some truth in this. OSX – they like to stay up-to-date Kindle – Apple lost the ebook war Windows Remote Desktop (RDP) – Mac users still need Windows regularly […]
WordPress theming: building from scratch
I have been helping a friend of mine Diana Nichols with a Meetup in Marietta. Last week I helped walking through people creating a child theme. The video isn’t stellar, but I figure I might as well get this on my site. Session One covers setting up a development environment such as MAMP or WAMP. […]
If is this page or is child of it
A client of mine needed to display a certain HTML element (a social media icon) only on certain pages and children of those pages. Put this in your functions.php file: function ar_check_family( $page_id ) { global $post; if ( is_page() && ( $post->post_parent == $page_id || is_page( $page_id ) ) ) { return true; } […]
Multi site error when registering users
I was getting this message on a multi site install that I was working on: Usernames can only contain lowercase letters (a-z) and numbers. I haven’t dug into this yet, it seems like this popped up in WP 4.4. Here is how I have gotten around it: function amr_wpmu_validate_user_signup( $userinfo ) { if ( array_key_exists( […]